
Some work and experiments I have done, for display.

This Website

Experimenting with a Django webserver, and production hosting.

Production AI / ChatGPT - "Wikipedia Quiz"

Using AI/ChatGPT for product use cases.
Here making quiz questions from wikipedia pages.

Chat Page

An example of WebSockets, and a dynamic "Vue.js" display.

ML Model - Neural Style Transfer

Apply the style of an image/painting onto any other image.
An example of putting a pre-trained ML model into production.

Data Analysis

Investigating where Woolworths could set up profitable new stores.
Initially a data exploration written in R, and then converted into an analysis that could be run on demand.

Weather Station

Building an IoT device to collect weather data through this site.

Joogle Search Engine

A spoof/comedy of the Google Search engine I built for some friends getting married. It shows the usage of some dynamic html elements.
It works best on desktop view, since the Google styling was frozen to generate my parody.

Code Examples

I am putting up some working and code examples on my github, predominantly focused on data analysis / ML.